Our Therapeutic Approach

Our approach is unique and brings many different types of therapeutic modalities into experiential practice. We like to say this intense men’s workshop is four years of therapy completed within four days if you push yourself to your edge.

  • We work intensely with your story.
  • We explore how your unprocessed wounds have shaped who you are.
  • We work directly with your body, knowing that it carries the wounds long after the threat is gone.
  • We will address your inner child and the parts of you that have stunted your emotional and spiritual growth.
  • We invite you to become more intimate with the shadow parts of yourself, which is essential to relational maturity, integrity, and transformation.
  • We are not interested in pretty words, but in changed actions and lives lived differently.
  • We invite you to do deep, raw, authentic, and often terrifying soul work.
  • We will never demand or push you further than you are willing.
  • We will create a safe and challenging place for you to deal with your darkness and glory.

Topic Addressed Will Include:

  • Shame
  • Pornography use & abuse
  • Power & Control
  • Inner Child Healing
  • Proper Use of Anger vs. Aggression
  • Living in Truth & Integrity
  • Intimacy & Connection
  • Fully embodied Living
  • Sexual Abuse & Trauma
  • Confronting core woundedness

  • Exploring defenses, and reactivity
  • Addressing our Styles of Relating
  • Outgrowing our Pornographic mindsets and our Pornographic Styles of Relating
  • Changing our relationship to Sex
  • Address Self-Contempt
  • Address Hatred of the Feminine
  • Model a balance of strength and kindness
  • Vulnerability
  • Developing long-lasting community and connectedness


From men who have participated in our retreats

Prep Work Beforehand

Two Different Tracks

Deceptive Sexuality Track vs. Abuse Track (you can choose both if you need both, just read more)


Deceptive Sexuality Track

Read The Sexually Healthy Man and The Psychology of Porn. Be familiar with the themes. Also, read the “Sexuality Section” of the book To Be A Man by Robert Masters and bring that book with you. Also, highly recommended is Unwanted, by Jay Stringer.

Abuse Track

Read How Not to Be an *SS by Andrew and Why Does He Do That? By Lundy Bancroft. Also, read the “Anger chapter & Sexuality Section” of the book To Be A Man by Robert Masters and bring that book with you.

Write Your Story

Assignment #1

This is a detailed timeline of your traumas, sexual or not, and stories that shaped you, a map, so you can locate where you have been. Start at the beginning. How was sexuality and/or emotions introduced to you? How were sexuality, abuse, and violence talked about or not talked about in your home? What story from your childhood most marked you? Begin to enter into the stories. These should be bullet points to help locate you in your current story. This is for your growth and help with assignment #2.

Assignment #2

Choose one story from assignment #1 and dive deep into that story. Use all five senses, in the scene of abuse, or first exposure to pornography, or betrayal, abuse, what were the smells, the sights, what did the chair or bed feel like? What was the taste? During this assignment, you are landing the plane into your story, not merely flying over it. GET PARTICULAR. You must feel the weight of the story, if you are not feeling it or want to distance yourself from it, it is not worth your time doing it. Allow your body to enter back into what it has been trying to escape all these years. You will bring this to the first group meeting and your To Be a Man book to our first meeting.

Let our assistant know if you have any other questions at Info@ChristianCC.org

Group Details

6 spots are open for participants for each event, with one training spot for a coach or therapist looking to gain skill and knowledge in Dr. Bauman’s unique approach to men’s work.

Location: Brevard, NC (July session is in Whidbey Island, WA)

Cost: $2,200 including lodging; $400 non-refundable deposit due to reserve your seat.

Details: email: info@christianCC.org to RESERVE your spot.

28 Clinical hours of group therapy with Dr. Andrew J. Bauman and a trained facilitator, one-on-one coaching, dealing with issues of childhood trauma, deceptive sexual behavior, issues of integrity abuse, and abuse prevention. Somatic bodywork and narrative methodologies.

Schedule Outline: People either bring their own food, grocery shop, and cook in the house or eat out, we encourage groups to eat meals together. The schedule is flexible and subject to change depending on what is needed for each group.

Thursday: 4:40 pm- Check-in. 5 pm- 8 pm – Group Session
Friday: 9 am-Noon; Lunch Break; 2 pm – 5 pm
Saturday: 9 am-Noon; Lunch Break; 2 pm – 5 pm
Sunday: 9 am-Noon; Lunch Break; 2 pm – 5 pm

Upcoming Men's Workshop Dates

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(360) 389-2380info@christianCC.org